Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Breast Feeding and Teeth Decay

Photo by Ben McLeod, flickr.com

I have been worried for several months already thinking what to do about night feedings (and Danny is still doing those so frequently) when our first teeth will start to come out. According to several articles I read, breastmilk can cause teeth decay as it contains sugars that feed nasty bacteria... Tonight my fears were reinforced after I read an article on Baby Bottle Mouth in What to Expect book (the First Year) . However after my hubby looked around online he found a detailed article that explains the matter. According to this article, no concrete data has been found to support the fact that breastfeeding can cause teeth decay. Actually there are some facts that suggest the opposite... For example, when a baby is nursing milk gets into the moth behind teeth - which is true just remember the latching on pics from any book on newborn care. Also baby really needs to suck to get milk, it doesn't just float freely, so if he sucks, he is awake and he is also swallowing... so there is no danger that milk will stay in his mouth for several hours after feeding... also in some studies they found that breastmilk can protect teeth and that it's ph level is just slightly different from that of water...

Well, I feel better now though not a 100% sure there is no danger to our upcoming teeth

Here is the link to the article for more details http://www.kellymom.com/bf/older-baby/tooth-decay.html

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Venting About Sleep Issues and Stuff

So the mirracle of last night did not happen tonight. Inspired by how easily he soothed himself yesterday, I tried to give Danny some time to cry but he wouldn't stop, so I had to pick him up and rock him. Tonight I decided to push myself... The thin is that when you are tired and you know that if you rock him till almost sleep and put him down he is more likely to stay down, you just dont feel like experimenting or doin g someting differently... But today I pushed myself to rock him till light drowsiness and as soon as I woudl see his eye closing I would try to put him down - took 3 times till he styaed in his crib and made an effort to fall asleep.

Was reading again a book What to Expect (1st Year) today... Sounds like all the baies should sleep through the night by 6 months... They say if your baby got used to nurse at night, he will do it as long as he can.... Recommendations are to stretch time between nursing, send in Dad etc. But it is so hard to stretch time between feedings - he is so stressed and I get sooo stressed... I just seems easier to feed him and hope that at some point he will just outgrow this night waking issues... And sure he wil outgrow it... But what will happen to me by the time he does - I am so desperate for sleep!

Well... trying to follow my instincts and not to stress my baby so I guess I will try earlier ithdrawal and less time nursing... He is growing and changing and hopefully there either will be a window of opportunity to teach him better sleeping or his attitude and perception of things like nursing and sleeping will change and I will be able to do something to improve the whole sleeping situation.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Progress? Or Just A Lucky Night?

Today Danny fell asleep by himself again! It happened just a couple times before... like 2 and yesterday - but he cried on and off and complained and I had to go back to him like 3 times and try to rock him so I just thought he got tired and fell asleep. But today Danny woke up 15 minutes after I breasfed him and put him down sleepy (not asleep) into his crib. I tried to pick him up and calm him down but he would just cry in my arms which I cannot stand... after a 5 minute battle I just put him down and decided to give him 5 minutes to cry... after 3 minutes crying subsided and after 4 minutes I didn't hear anything... I even got worried he is unwell so I went to check on him. But he was perfectly fine - lying on his side and falling asleep... Amazing! I wonder if this is definite progress or just tonight...

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Stuck With Sleep Training

Recently I feel that I am sort of stuck with sleep training. We are making NO progress. I just don't know how to take the next step. Danny can fall asleep by himself now but does not do it all the time. I think it's a great achievement that he knows that he can relax and fall asleep not only on the boob but while getting rocked or shhhhed or with my hand on his chest. He still prefers the breast as a means to relax and get ready for sleep. If I try to delay putting him on the boob and try to sing some lullabies for a while he gets VERY upset. I think he is afraid I won't give him his favorite pacifier... And I am afraid when he gets so upset that if I don't put him on the boob NOW he will never calm down and fall asleep :-(

So we are sort of stuck... reached a dead end... What to do next? How can I slowly teach him to calm down in any other than sucking on the breast way... I was thinking trying to withdraw earlier and earlier each day. Amd maybe then slowly we will minimize time on the boob and Danny will learn to soothe himself every time he goes to sleep. Thinking... thinking thinking...

Thursday, December 3, 2009

How I Sleep Trained Danny

So here is how our sleep training adventure went up till now.

Let's remember the background. I started sleep training Danny when he just turned 4 months and would spend up to 2 hours on the breast and still not let me go, he would wake up every hour at night and again spend HOURS on the breast. During the day Danny would take only 30 minute naps... We tried to ferberize him but it was a disaster with me and Danny crying like crazy so we ended that after one evening and a day of torture. So I had to try a gentle sleep training method!
My goals were to extend Danny’s asleep time, train him to fall asleep without breastfeeding, train him to fall asleep by himself, transfer him into his crib (so that Daddy can finally come back to sleep in bed instead of the couch and Mommy can finally sleep more than an hour at a time!). I was using Pantley gentle sleep training tips and some of the things I did I just did by intuition and through listening to what my heart told me.

First I had to teach my little Danny to fall asleep without breast so I was using a slow withdrawal method - take breast away before LO falls asleep. How you do it: you put your LO on the boob as always, as soon as you feel jis sucking motion is turning into fluttering motion, you withdraw the nipple from his mouth. Danny would fight hard for it. At times we would do the withdrawal for up to 7-10 times before he let me go and sometimes I would just had to rock him to sleep. Omy, how Danny hated being rocked to sleep! Rocking was another thing I introduced because sleep experts recommend to make baby understand that he can fall asleep in different ways not only on the breast. But Danny would get so upset with me trying to rock him and kick me and make upset faces and cry... It was quite challenging to calm him down but I was very patient (mostly!) and persistent. Finally, he got the idea: let Mom's breast go and sleep; don’t sleep – get rocked, rocking means sleep too.
So after he got comfortable falling asleep without breast in the mouth and getting from time to time rocked to sleep I introduced another element. I started nursing him sitting up. I needed to get Danny used to this so that I can eliminate giving breast lying down and so that he gets used to being put down on the bed which I would have to do when transferring to the crib. After doing this for a couple weeks I moved on to the most scary step – stopping giving breast lying down. I was really scared about this step as Danny is soooo used to it. I have been doing it for 3 days and things looked more or less ok :-) then I had to abruptly stop co-sleeping (24 November) and transfer him to the crib. It went not tooo bad! Thanks to my trainign efforts!

So now I nurse Danny sitting up, he gets drowsy and I withdraw breast (he gets upset sometimes, at the beginning it was every time!), I rock him a bit and try to put him down still awake so that he gets used to falling asleep by himself. My next step is to slowly stop giving breast right before bedtime and give it just 10 minutes before, rock Danny lightly to sleep and put him down awake. The next phase would be to eliminate rocking.

My Sleep Training Rules:
Introduce one new element at a time. If it is too much of a change break it into several components. Like for example, if you need to transfer to crib, first get him used to the whole idea of being laid down…
If a new routine seems to stress baby too much, it needs to be stopped. You don’t want your baby get bad association with sleep. Resume in a week or so.
Be consistent
Don’t be afraid to give up but do it in rare cases
Be sensitive to your baby. Just try putting yourself into his place and try to understand what he is feeling and how you could help him learn
Be careful while changing one bad sleep habit not to create another!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Reading About Sleep Training

It's almost 23.00 and Danny has been asleep for an hour and a half after calling me every half an hour 3 times! So I finally have some time to read emails and to do some reading on hot topics - baby sleep and baby sleep training.

Today after a couple of comments from my Granny and from my Dad suggesting that maybe Danny is waking up so often and crying at night because he is hungry... I am starting to wonder - what if he is hungry??? I make sure to ut him to breast as often as possible during the day and I give him some poridge with fruit pure morning and evening... But who knows? At night he is so demanding and just wouldn't calm down unless I nurse him. After that he would normally go to sleep... and is usually quite cooperative... So the combination of the facts that he does fall asleep when rocked if he wakes up half an hour after feedinmg with the fact that he WILL NOT fall asleep when rocked if he wakes up 2 hours after feeding make me wonder if my boy is hungry! But I know that at this age (6 months) babies are supposed to be able to go 3-5 hours without nursing. I am just hoping for 3 hours!