Saturday, February 20, 2010

Baby Development: 9 Months Old Milestones

So Danny is nearing his 9 months birthday and I am looking at what skills he should be developing at 9 months. I usually look milestones up on babycenter and in What To Expect book. I noticed that according to the book Danny is quite quick in his development and is achieving certain skills that are advanced for is age. However according to babycenter, we are lagging behind! For example, at I read tat by the end of 8th month baby is supposed to be "cruising" - moving around upright while holding onto furniture Danny is so far from cruising! He is not crawling either. So I am a bit concerned but not too much. I think he is just taking his time with crawling and cruising. He is doing a lot of stuff with his hands. He is amazing at manipulating toys, playing with small toy parts. He is very good at tis.

So 9 months' milestones are as follows (
*separation anxiety is at its peak - actually Danny just started to react better to guests coming over to our place and us visiting friends.
*start to remember more specific information, able to imitate actions she's seen as long as a week before
can now put objects in a container and remove them - oh we already discovered this game last week!
*half of babies this age will initiate passing games - hey looking forward to that one!
starting to understand the word "no," - yes, we already know this word and hate it!
developing personality and a mind of his own - already see the beginnings of this!

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